It's Time to Connect

Co-founded by two mental health therapists named Makenzie Curr and Teryn O'Brien, Inner Expressions Collective is a transformative wellness initiative dedicated to fostering creativity, self-discovery, and emotional well-being.

Through a dynamic series of retreats, mini-retreats, workshops, classes, and walking therapy experiences, we provide a space for individuals to reconnect with themselves through expressive arts and holistic mental wellness practices.

We create unique experiences to help people connect with nature, connect within, connect with expression, and connect with community.

Connect With Nature

Whether it's the forest, the beach, or a well-loved park, we want you to be able to get outdoors, disconnect from your phones, and find the peace nature so easily provides. There are so many awesome areas in Rhode Island (and all of New England) to explore.

Connect With Yourself

With an emphasis on the digital, it's so easy to tune out from what your mind and body are saying. But physical presence matters, and we want you to learn tools of inner connection that can help you navigate a chaotic world.

Connect With Expression

Self expression is a vital component of wellbeing that is often lost in a society that focuses so heavily on entertainment and consumption. When was the last time you really felt something and expressed what was actually on your mind or in your heart? Let's help you get there. :)

Connect With Community

Everyone is feeling more and more alone in a digitally "connected" world. If you crave for true human presence, it's time to come back to local community as the foundation for wellbeing. You are not alone, and we'll help you connect with fellow locals.

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